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︎Ear/eye ︎Education    ︎ Info

Witty Books strongly believes in educational activities and in the cultural dissemination of images.

Photobook is an expressive medium, a universe with its internal rules and its own architecture: editing, sequence, design and choice of materials are elements available to the author to offer the reader a key through which to collect and decode the many possible meanings of photographic discourse.

We deal with images every day, but unlike words, we are often unable to read them. The goal of the course, workshop and lectures is to analyze the reading of images, providing the tools suitable for addressing the process of genesis of the photographic book, integrating a conceptual and theoretical approach with practical and manual aspects. 

If you are interessed in our education activity, please contact us at info@witty-books.com



Online course
Domestika  - How to create a photobook

Online mentoring 

  • IED - Turin 

Lecture & Talk:
  • Arts University Bournemouth (UK)
  • Triennale, Milano (IT)
  • SIPF, Singapore (SG)
  • Belgrado photomonth, Belgrade (SRB)
  • Museo MADRE, Napoli (IT)
  • Photo Kiev, Kiev (UA)
  • Accademia di belle arti Napoli (IT)
  • Accademia di Belle Arti di Lecce  (IT)
  • Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera (IT)