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︎Ear/eye ︎Education    ︎ Info

How to Raise a Hand

Angelo Vignali

128 Pages 
20x28 cm
Soft cover
Text by Benedetta Casagrande
Design by Federico Barbon
Published in March 2022
ISBN 979-12-80177-16-2

€30 €25
Buy here︎︎

“…The sensory qualities of the book take on a new significance here. Works such as these slow down and transform the experience of looking, the viewer encouraged not to ‘read’ – at least not in the conventional sense of the term – but to linger, to feel, to ponder the relationship between pictures and the volume that contains them, to experience touch as a creative force and an active agent in remembering. In asking this of the reader, they foreground the kind of deep sensory pleasure that characterises all of our lived experience…”
Eugenie Shinkle

Best photobook 2022

Andy Rocchelli Grant - Special mention
Self Publish Riga - Shortlist
Images Vevey Book Award – Shortlist

Collector Daily
Photo Eye